Monday, June 17, 2013


Some days
Some ways
I am going to be different
Strumming those Blues
Courting hurt and pain
I had thought long forgotten

Some days
Some ways
Baby, my smile won’t shine
As my body rocks to sobs
In tune to hurt and pain
I had thought long forgotten

Some days
Some ways
You will find me
All alone in the darkness
Slowly fighting from going insane
No pleasure just hurt and pain
I had thought long forgotten

Most times
Most days
Most ways
I will smile again
Strengthened in thought and mind
Baby, I will make you smile
I will help you fight

Those times
Those days
Those ways
When you will be different
Strumming those Blues
Courting hurt and pain
You had thought long forgotten


Break Free

When the sun comes to December
Will I wake again
From the ashes
Of all that remains
Of a soul once set aflame
Burnt then doused in cold, cold rain
Buried deep within the earth
Left in solitude
Confined in darkness
Forgiven but not forgotten
To await the sun that rises
Against December's cold frost
Like the phoenix, that bears hope
Will I rise, break forth
From frozen earth and hard rock
To unfurl in the golden rays
When the sun comes to December
Will I live again